So, because I know Thai can't figure out how to change this, I can say pretty much whatever I want on her blog ^^ So, this would be her best friend, Phil (ah right. there's two Phils now. Phillip Ai here), aka math nerd aka loser aka..... whatever you wanna call him/her (we never really confirmed his gender). I'm not really sure what Thai's told you about me. Anyway, nice to meet you all, I think I'll leave for now. Later~ Oh, and P.S. the girl above me is hot xD
Fun with my video pictures & NEW YOUTUBE.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010,11:25 AM

hahahahahahaha I look so silly xD

Anyways, so yesterday I was filming a new video for my new youtube because my old one got deleted???? So please check me out now at :


and please help support it! thanks(:

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